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I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a youth revival when I was 13. I was in and out of church from then until I met and started dating the godly lady who would become my wife. Because of her, I became a regular church attender and started to learn the basics of Christianity. When she became pregnant with our first child, I decided that I really needed to get serious about my Christian faith. When our daughter was stillborn for NO apparent reason, I could not understand what was going on. This was the beginning of a “wrestling with God” that lasted three years. Finally, I told God  I wanted all that was possible in the Christian life or none of it. Afterwards, I had the peace of God and the zeal to attack hell with a water pistol. I felt like God had a plan for my life that was bigger than I could imagine.
In the thirty plus years since this decision, I have walked through many hills and valleys. I am still married to the wife of my youth, even though we have gone through many rocky patches in our marriage. By God’s grace, we have raised three godly children, and have two lovely grandchildren, for now. I have gone through corporate downsizing and financial reversals, more than once. I have gone through another stillbirth and a miscarriage. I have stuggled to find the “right church” and my place in it. In all the chaos and confusion, God has been steadfast and faithful to keep me, sustain me, teach me, and lead me down His path for my life, even when I have been far from faithful. Yet I feel like I still have not found that purpose God had for me so many years ago. Maybe this book has something to do with it. Time will tell!
My heart’s desire is to be found a faithful child and servant of the true and living God. To that aim, I have spent much time studying, and more importantly, trying to apply the Holy Bible to my everyday life. I have lived the principles expounded upon in this book. However, I am no different than anyone who is reading this page- I am fragile and flawed. The sin nature in me still wants to exert itself. Apart from the Spirit of God filling and controlling me, I am a loud, proud, crude, and hot-headed man. Praise God that He can use someone like me for His honor and glory! He will do the same for you.